Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I've had a very stressful year and haven't been able to post anything anywhere.  Now I'm trying to get my life back in order and want to get back on the healthy road.  So I'm starting with this breakfast shake that i created out of looking up different ideas and mixing things until it just tasted too good to change.  We haven't been using the MacaForce powder because it's just too expensive for us to keep up with but we are addicted to this shake and have it at least three times a week for breakfast.

 Most yummy breakfast shake ever!! 

I've been trying to figure out a healthy breakfast.  Trying to stay away from eggs as much as possible due to my history of high cholesterol.  I can eat the oatmeal with fruit often enough but just can't get myself to eat it everyday.

As I'm searching my books and Internet for ideas I kept running across a "banana & peanut butter milk shake" in the breakfast menus. Hummm?  The recipes that I was finding called mainly for banana, peanut butter and milk.
It didn't sound all that appealing to me and I cannot drink regular milk it upsets my I continue to search and continue to find this type of shake recipe.

I remembered I had some soy milk left so I thought I'd give it a try.  I put the three ingredients in the blender and my husband & I drank a small glass.  It was "ok". 
My brain began working and I instinctively thought of chocolate milk!  They make chocolate covered bananas  and chocolate peanut butter treats don't they?  I have to tell you that I loved that idea.

As I began experimenting with this I began adding more to the blender and now my husband tells me that this is the best "milkshake" he's ever tasted!  We drink it several times a week as our breakfast and it not only taste super yummy and creamy but it fills me up for the entire morning and I feel energized!

I have to warn you.....I don't really "measure".  So if you want to try this follow along with the idea and adjust the amount to what taste best to you. I also make an amount that will fill two glasses to the brim.

These are my ingredients.
Greek yogurt
chocolate soy milk
creamy peanut butter
frozen strawberries

This is something that I also add.  It's up to you if you want to add it.  You can get the information about this on the "HealthyForce" website.  It is a powder full of amazing natural ingredients.  I put approximately 1 tsp. into the blender with the other ingredients.