Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mason Jar Salads

I’m always telling myself that I need to eat healthier.  I’m not really eating unhealthy but there’s always room for improvement.  I just knew that I needed to somehow incorporate more vegetables into my diet. 
I have gotten into a habit of making one large meal a day.  That one large meal has worked its’ way smack dab into the middle of the day.  I have believed that is better.  To have the large meal in the middle of the day instead of late at night allows your digestive system to do its’ work early so not disturb your slumber.
However, that one meal a day wasn't always enough to meet up with the needs of my energy.  It also sometimes was full of carbs and not enough veggies. 
Then I discovered the Mason jar salad idea.  It’s a great way to save time and get your needed healthy calories every day of the week.

It’s very simple.  Just take an hour or so to spend in the kitchen ONE day a week.  Depending on how many jars you prepare and what you put into it determines how long you spend doing the job.

First wash the jars thoroughly.
 Careful handling them because they are glass and do break if careless.

Next, or ahead of time, prepare your foods. Cook your chicken or ground turkey.  Have your boiled eggs if using them.  Rinse and drain your kidney beans and olives.  Clean your lettuce, spinach, or arugula.  Have your jars lined up and your cutting board ready.  Slice your tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, chicken bell peppers. 
The rest is easy. 
Choose your recipes and start the assembly line.  Always start with the dressing.  Then your heavy vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.  Those types that can sit and soak in the dressing without becoming soggy.  Next your proteins such as meats, eggs and beans.  Don’t forget the cheeses such as feta.  Last but never forgotten are the leafy greens.  Always place those on top so they are farthest away from the dressing and cannot become soggy.  I stuff those leafy greens in until the jar is full.

Place the flat lid with seal onto the jar and screw on the ring.  You can use the jar sealers or fasteners if you wish but so far mine have sealed fine without them.
Put the jars in your refrigerator.  That’s it!   They will last and stay fresh for 7-10 days! 

I recommend that you empty the contents onto a plate or container and not try to eat out of the jar. It's almost impossible to get a good tasty bite of everything trying it out of the jar. When you empty onto a container or plate the last to come out is the dressing and it covers your salad nicely. 

You can find tons of salad recipe ideas on Pinterest.
Everything is prepared and ready to grab and you are sure to have your needed healthy salads. My hubby takes one to work daily.  We eat them either for lunches or have our large meal midday and eat the salads later in evening.  Either way it works wonderfully!  
Mason jars filled with yummy oatmeal breakfast ideas!