Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Quick & Easy

Lately my life has all been about making life as easy as possible. Summer is busy. So I haven't spent much time on here.

It's been very hot here and cooking hasn't been too comfortable. We've just been eating a lot of simple salads and whatever is quick and easy to make and doesn't require the oven.

But I was at the store and that flank steak was speaking to me so I bought it. We don't have a BBQ. I wish we did because I love the grilled foods but we just don't have the yard to do it in. So last night I took that flank steak out of the freezer and let it thaw some. Then before I called it a night I rubbed the mostly thawed steak with some olive oil and sprinkled it heavily with my mixed seasoning. Then I let it sit in the refrigerator over night.

This morning I got up at 6am. I turned on the broiler and put the steak in. Broiled it until it was just slightly pink in the middle and still juicy. Then let it sit covered with foil for about 15 minutes. Then I sliced it up in very thin slices and wrapped it in foil and put it in a container back into the refrigerator.

When we got hungry today I simply took out that sliced up meat. I sliced up some tomatoes, lettuce, avocado. Then using a tortilla sprinkled a slight amount of cheese on it and rolled it up.............YUM!

I will also use the slices of meat to make a salad. Same ingredients just no tortilla and a little salad dressing instead.

I need to get creative and think of some more good summer meals....................I shall return!


  1. great idea! what's in your season mix?

  2. I use a mixed seasoning that I get at Costco which is salt free. It's a Kirkland brand. I really like it and use it on almost everything. I think I've posted it on previous recipes.

  3. Check out the salmon recipe on March 19th I posted a picture of the seasoning I use.
